Palindromic Birthdays
We love birthdays, and can honestly say that our mobile fun casino has brought a thrilling and exciting time to every major milestone birthday that you care to mention. 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th [...]
As a country, we may have all "sevened out" in March, but we bring glad tidings of great joy! You can't keep the British down for long, and our need for fun times and friends [...]
Easing the Lockdown Blues
It's great to see that so many of you are clicking on our website looking to book our fun casino entertainment for your event. In fact, we have already taken bookings for weddings next year, [...]
Postponed Celebrations
The entire world has come to a halt and is focussed on beating CORVID 19, and of course, that has meant everyone has had to put their plans for Weddings, Birthdays, Charity Fundraisers, PTA Summer [...]
Mandolay Hotel Wedding Showcase Sunday 09/02/2020
We go down a storm at weddings, and would love to talk to you about adding THE most exciting fun casino entertainment to yours! Do come along and meet us Sunday. And if you're not necessarily planning [...]
2020 Vision
Looking through our fun casino telescope, we can see good times, fun and excitement ahead for all our clients! Your eyes are riveted on the Roulette wheel, anticipating the rush of adrenaline as the ball [...]