Our Blog

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Palindromic Birthdays

By |28/09/2020|Casino hire|0 Comments

We love birthdays, and can honestly say that our mobile fun casino has brought a thrilling and exciting time to every major milestone birthday that you care to mention. 18th, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th [...]

Postponed Celebrations

By |08/04/2020|Casino hire|0 Comments

The entire world has come to a halt and is focussed on beating CORVID 19, and of course, that has meant everyone has had to put their plans for Weddings, Birthdays, Charity Fundraisers, PTA Summer [...]

2020 Vision

By |27/01/2020|Casino hire|0 Comments

Looking through our fun casino telescope, we can see good times, fun and excitement ahead for all our clients! Your eyes are riveted on the Roulette wheel, anticipating the rush of adrenaline as the ball [...]